Tag Archives: Women’s Fiction; Possibility; Santa

A Season of Possibility

Over the course of this first December weekend, at an opulent gathering of friends, we went around the table answering the question, “what’s the significance of Christmas to you?” We all acknowledged the spiritual import of the holiday, and because this was an international gathering, there was acknowledgment from widely divergent religious paradigms.

But we came back around the table again to touch upon that which we could only identify as the “spirit” of this time of year. For some, this is a time to focus more intently upon family and close friends, to offer the gifts of time and food, to open our homes, be they large or small, to experience something cozy and comforting, something timeless needing to be captured at least to the extent of celebrating it.… Read more

Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Baby Boomers, Books, California, Cambria, Coastal regions, Connecting through books, Creativity, life's purpose, Santa Barbara, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, Women authors, womens literature | Tagged | Leave a comment