Welcome to my official website!


Happy March! Thank you for visiting! I like to think of my website as a place where land meets ocean, where ideas meet feelings, and where head meets heart. Journey with me to land’s end . . . where logic has done its best and can go no farther. Adventure with me to ocean’s beginning . . . where the heart rests in motion. Thanks for joining me on the journey!

from my heart to yours,



Did you know? Before there was Robyn Carr’s wonderful Virgin River series (2007), before there was Sherryl Woods beautiful Chesapeake Shores series (2003), before there was Debbie Macomber’s sweet Cedar Cove series (2001), there was Mara Purl’s ground-breaking Milford-Haven series! The novels made their debut in 1997! (The original radio drama became a BBC radio hit in 1992.) The Milford-Haven Novels were republished starting in 2011 and began to hit bestseller lists that very year.




Mara has been named the
Top Female Author of Fiction for 2019
by The Authors Show!


Magnify Your Message with Cheryl HunterMara Purl Interview
From Page to Stage: The Transformative Power of Fiction
Magnify Your Message with Cheryl Hunter
YouTube Channel; Spotify; Apple
Inspiration Magnified
Facebook page

Mara Purl is Interviewed by media leader Cheryl Hunter. They dive deep into the art of storytelling, including how the power of lived experience, along with transparency and authenticity shapes the best fiction. Mara & Cheryl believe that stories should do more than just entertain—they should resonate. They have the power to make readers feel seen, understood, and maybe even challenge their perspectives.



American Voices with Senator Bill BradleyMara Purl Interview
American Voices with Senator Bill Bradley
SiriusXM Radio Channel 124
Link to American Voices site
American Voice Facebook page

Mara Purl is interviewed by Senator Bill Bradley on his program American Voices. They discuss writing, e-books versus print books, living a life in the arts in today’s economy, and living not only from the head, but from the heart.



Mara’s post on USA TODAY . . .
Click to read: Happy Ending ‘In Here’



Visit Mara’s Consulting Company



from the blog

# Send Indie Gift Book

Can other authors use this program? Of course! I designed it for all of us to use. Just follow the simple steps I outlined above. I guarantee you’ll be doing something practical, something good, and something generous. Continue reading

Part II – Books versus TV, Narrative Voice versus Scripted Scenes: Bosche, Milford-Haven

We authors dig deep to find the truths lurking in the souls of our characters. When these truths surface, we have little choice but to write them down, if we want to be authentic. And remember, the root of the word “author” is the same as the root of the word Continue reading

Part I – Books versus TV, Narrative Voice versus Scripted Scenes: Longmire, Outlander

A Guest Post by Mara Purl

Every author wants their novels to be made into a film or a television series. Right?

So let’s take a look at how these two worlds of “series”—both the readable and the viewable kind—connect, overlap, or compete. Some people discover a great series first on TV, then want to dig deeper by reading the original books. Some don’t want to see the adaptation on a screen until they’ve delved into the books, sometimes referred to by producers as “source material.”

Here we’ll take a look at works by Diana Gabaldon (the Outlander series), and Craig Johnson (the Longmire series).

Enjoy reading this post at the Anne R. Allen and Ruth Harris Writing About Writing Blog.

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