Happy September! Thank you for visiting! I like to think of my website as a place where land meets ocean, where ideas meet feelings, and where head meets heart. Journey with me to land’s end . . . where logic has done its best and can go no farther. Adventure with me to ocean’s beginning . . . where the heart rests in motion. Thanks for joining me on the journey!
from my heart to yours,
Visit Mara’s Consulting Company
Mara has been named the
Top Female Author of Fiction for 2019
by The Authors Show!
Click to read: Happy Ending ‘In Here’
American Voices with Senator Bill Bradley
SiriusXM Radio Channel 124
Link to American Voices site
American Voice Facebook page
August 11, 2013[audio:https://www.marapurl.com/wp-content/audio/MaraPurl-interviewd by BillBradley-AmericanVoicesSiriusXM-8-2013.mp3]
Mara Purl is interviewed by Senator Bill Bradley on his program American Voices. They discuss writing, e-books versus print books, living a life in the arts in today’s economy, and living not only from the head, but from the heart.