
*Times posted are Pacific Time zone.

“Whose Hearts Align” Autumn Equinox – 3 Day Launch Event
Sep 19 – Sep 21 all-day

“Whose Hearts Align” Autumn Equinox –
3 Day Launch Event

Launch Event

September 19, 20, 21, 2024
Autumn Equinox Day

Join Mara for a 3-day Amazon event
September 19, 20, 21, 2024

Delightful social media posts, curated fellow author recommendations, and more!



Writing at Sea Cruise
Nov 14 – Nov 21 all-day

November 14, 2025
Writing at Sea Cruise

Writing …

Is it a calling?

Or is it a job?
Could it be a fool’s errand?

Or a real and unbelievable possibility?
Is writing your dream?

Or will it become your reality?

Step 1: Commit to 7 days away from the “world” to begin to write; to stretch your writing; to brainstorm with other writers; to get coaching.

Step 2: Book passage on the Writing-at-Sea Cruise …
it’s happening November 14-21, 2025.

Step 3: Embrace your own breakthrough … we promise, there will be many.

For Fiction Authors

  • Deep dive into your core beliefs and find your premise.
  • Create sustaining character profiles.
  • Learn dynamic outlining tools.
  • Discover your story arc.
  • Create the blueprint for your novel, novella, novelette, or short story.
  • Turn your irritations into story pearls.
  • Complete your voyage with a clear vision of your completed book.

For Non-Fiction Authors

  • Deep dive into your core beliefs and find your premise.
  • Examine key structures and match them to your topic.
  • Find your author voice and synch with your speaker persona.
  • Create the outline for your business book, memoir, self-help, or perfect non-fiction genre.
  • Turn your personal experiences into dynamic, illustrative story text.
  • Complete your voyage with a clear vision of your completed book.

Dr. Judith Briles and Mara Purl are both bestselling and award-winning authors. Between the two, they have published over 55 books and earned over 125 awards. They know writing and what it takes to create a book and a career.

Join them for seven writing success days.

To secure your stateroom call 303-885-2207 or email

“With the Dreams in Milford-Haven” Launch – Make Your Dreams Come True Day
Mar 11 all-day

March 11, 2026
“With the Dreams in Milford-Haven”
National Dream Day

Join Mara for a 3-day Amazon event
March 11, 12, 13 2026

With the Clouds Over Miami – eBook Launch – January 25, 2027
Jan 25 all-day

“With the Clouds Over Miami” by Mara Purl
January 25, 2027
National Florida Day

Join Mara for a 3-day Amazon event
January 25-26-27, 2027

Mara Purl With Clouds Over MiamiCan a young woman on her first mission take down the cleverly vicious CEO of a family empire?

Can she play her part, manage her team, and guard her heart all at the same time? The unscrupulous greed and amoral plans of the three Pliant brothers are designed to ruin the ecology of one Caribbean country after another. What will it take to stop them? This mission will require two family enterprises against one. It all starts in Florida, with a romantic interlude in gorgeous Biscayne National Park—a significant connection? Or an untimely distraction? Then the action picks up in Miami, where Morgan Jones-Smith and her team assemble to complete their strategies. Then the team and their quarry embark on the spectacular Monarch Cruise Line Ship, sliding through the sparkling Caribbean waters en route to St. Maartens. Will they arrive safely? Will they uncover what Pliant has hidden in their personal cargo? Will Morgan’s cover be blown? Will someone be tossed overboard in the dark of night?

Beware the gathering storm . . . With the Clouds Over Miami