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Prequel Novella
#1 Artist AdventureNovella
#2 Artist AdventureNovella
#3 Artist AdventureNovel One of the Pentalogy
Novel Two of the Pentalogy
Novel Three of the Pentalogy
Novel Four of the Pentalogy
Holiday Novelette
Holiday Novelette
Holiday Novelette
Category Archives: book covers painted by artists
Irritating Characters – Nemesis “Mrs. Lime” Debuts
Comic relief . . . dramatic tension . . . extreme contrast . . . she serves all those purposes. She had me laughing, then my editor laughed out loud, and soon my readers decided she was a “contrarian favorite”. See what you think of “Mrs. Lime.”
Posted in about issues of the heart, AHA Moments, Artists, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, Authors, Bellekeep Books, Book covers by artist Mary Helsaple, book covers painted by artists, Book Marketing, Books, California, Cambria, Central Coast, Coastal regions, Connecting through books, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, Environment, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, Finding treasures of the heart in books, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, head and heart connection, Heart and head connection in books, heart of an artist, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Nurturing the soul, Painting, power of the universe, Power of Universe, Small Town Fiction, When Hummers Dream by Mara Purl, When Hummers Dream e-book, Wildlife, Women's Fiction
Tagged Calfornia, Central Coast, Hummingbirds, Milford Haven, wildlife
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The Magic of Christmas Boxes
Much as I adore Christmas, I love Boxing Day almost as much. First, it’s a Christmas-extender, just like the 23rd is—a date I refer to as Christmas-Eve-Eve.
December 26th is Boxing Day with a wonderful tradition of its own. Observed in the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand, it started as a day following Christmas when aristocrats, tasked with the welfare of those who worked on their estates, delivered boxes of food and gifts. In South Africa, the occasion evolved into the renamed Day of Goodwill in 1994, and in Ireland it’s called St. Stephen’s Day. The European tradition of giving gifts and money to those in need dates back to the Middle Ages.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Book covers by artist Mary Helsaple, book covers painted by artists, Books, California, Creativity, e-books by Mara Purl, familial history, Finding treasures of the heart in books, Gifts, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, Japan, joy, Love of Books, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Santa Barbara, What the Heart Knows, Women authors, womens literature
Tagged christmas box, christmas eve, european tradition, family memories, giving gifts, storage boxes
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Women, Books & Jewelry
I’ve known for a long time that there’s a connection between women and jewelry. In fact, that’s probably a connection I made at about age three. Was that when I first admired Mommy’s shiny baubles? Hmm. I think by then, I was actually asking for baubles of my own.
One of the earliest pieces to grace my collection was my very first charm bracelet. How I loved its shiny silver trinkets with their magical moving parts! Each time my parents took me someplace special, a new charm was added, until from every single link dangled a treasured memento: the Rockettes kicked up their legs all in a row; five candles poked through a birthday cake with pink enamel icing; a split oval twisted to become a heart.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books, Book covers by artist Mary Helsaple, book covers painted by artists, Books, California, Cambria, Connecting through books, Cover art for books, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, familial history, Finding treasures of the heart in books, Gifts, Gratitude, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, Integrating lifes purpose through art, involvement in issues near and dear to heart, joy, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Milford Haven, Nurturing the soul, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Santa Barbara, What the Heart Knows, What the Heart Knows by Mara Purl, women and romance novels, Women authors, womens literature, writing romance novels
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A Hummer Hovers Near Your E-Reader
Hummingbirds are pure magic. Part helicopter, part jewel, they fly across thousands of miles from their winter homes to become an integral part of our summer. Their trilling songs and aerial ballets are a spice as sweet as the nectar they sip.
As far as I’m concerned, E-Readers are pure magic too. Now, instead of attempting to lug four books per flight, I carry one slim volume which inexplicably contains scores of titles, with no meaningful limit to how many volumes I can download.
Magic converges with magic for me today, as my first E-Book flies off the pages. When Hummers Dream is a short story that immediately precedes book one of my novel series, What the Heart Knows.… Read more
Posted in Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Book covers by artist Mary Helsaple, book covers painted by artists, Books, Business, Cambria, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, Escapism through romance novels, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, flow of life, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, Love, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, new methods of marketing books, Novel series, Novels for Romance Junkies, Of Baby Boomer Women, of lives through books, Painting, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels for romance junkies, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, self-growth, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, Transformation, transformation through AHA moments, Travel, Uncategorized, Using watercolor images for book covers, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream by Mara Purl, When Hummers Dream e-book, Women and Romance Novels, Women's Fiction, Writing
Tagged artist-protagonist in Mara Purls fiction, author Mara Purl, Cambria California, changes of The Milford Haven Books, e-readers, Fiction, fiction writing by Mara Purl, Hummingbirds, Mara Purl on non-fiction, Mary Helsaple, transformative fiction, When Hummers Dream e-book., When Hummers Dream on Amazon Kindle, When Hummers Dream on Barnes and Noble Nook, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, writing,
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