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Category Archives: joy
A Year for Mom: Preparing for the Big Day

Uni-Tea of Head and Heart
Every journey has its especially sparkling moments, and for my Winter Western States Book Tour, this was it. Elegance and style, generosity and community, connections with old friends and new—a unifying experience for all. The setting—a historic home in the mountain canyons of Santa Barbara; the time—Valentine’s weekend; the opportunity—helping others.
I had the privilege of working with a superb charity in co-creating a fund-raiser/ friend-raiser author tea. This is truly my favorite kind of event because of its synergy—which makes it a win-win-win: for the charity, for the guests, and for the author. In this case, there’s a fourth winner: the community of Santa Barbara, which benefits so directly from the services this charity provides.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Bellekeep Books, Book Clubs, Book Marketing, Books, California, Connecting through books, energy, familial history, Finding treasures of the heart in books, Heart, Integrating lifes purpose through art, joy, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Novel series, Nurturing the soul, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Santa Barbara, synchronicity, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, What the Heart Knows by Mara Purl
Tagged Gratitude, marcia reed, prosperity, The Milford-Haven Books, transformative fiction, Unit y of head and heart, Unity Shoppe, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, women's fiction novels,
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Happy New Orbit!
What kicks off the new year celebrated so avidly around the globe is a gift given by the universe itself—a new orbit. In fact, my character Cornelius Smith and my friend Laurance Doyle —both of whom are astronomers—give this as their annual greeting. “Happy New Orbit!” Makes me smile every time.
Fresh starts . . . a clean slate . . . infinite possibilities. . . . The precious sense that all things are new again is valued throughout the world. Some of us want almost everything to change; some of us probably want a few things to change. And most of us desire a sense of progress so we create a theme or a list to help us establish the landmarks of transformation.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Books, Coastal regions, E-Books, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, joy, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Newsletters, When Hummers Dream by Mara Purl, womens literature
Tagged clean slate, infinite possibilities, laurance doyle, new orbit
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The Magic of Christmas Boxes
Much as I adore Christmas, I love Boxing Day almost as much. First, it’s a Christmas-extender, just like the 23rd is—a date I refer to as Christmas-Eve-Eve.
December 26th is Boxing Day with a wonderful tradition of its own. Observed in the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand, it started as a day following Christmas when aristocrats, tasked with the welfare of those who worked on their estates, delivered boxes of food and gifts. In South Africa, the occasion evolved into the renamed Day of Goodwill in 1994, and in Ireland it’s called St. Stephen’s Day. The European tradition of giving gifts and money to those in need dates back to the Middle Ages.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Book covers by artist Mary Helsaple, book covers painted by artists, Books, California, Creativity, e-books by Mara Purl, familial history, Finding treasures of the heart in books, Gifts, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, Japan, joy, Love of Books, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Santa Barbara, What the Heart Knows, Women authors, womens literature
Tagged christmas box, christmas eve, european tradition, family memories, giving gifts, storage boxes
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Women, Books & Jewelry
I’ve known for a long time that there’s a connection between women and jewelry. In fact, that’s probably a connection I made at about age three. Was that when I first admired Mommy’s shiny baubles? Hmm. I think by then, I was actually asking for baubles of my own.
One of the earliest pieces to grace my collection was my very first charm bracelet. How I loved its shiny silver trinkets with their magical moving parts! Each time my parents took me someplace special, a new charm was added, until from every single link dangled a treasured memento: the Rockettes kicked up their legs all in a row; five candles poked through a birthday cake with pink enamel icing; a split oval twisted to become a heart.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books, Book covers by artist Mary Helsaple, book covers painted by artists, Books, California, Cambria, Connecting through books, Cover art for books, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, familial history, Finding treasures of the heart in books, Gifts, Gratitude, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, Integrating lifes purpose through art, involvement in issues near and dear to heart, joy, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Milford Haven, Nurturing the soul, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Santa Barbara, What the Heart Knows, What the Heart Knows by Mara Purl, women and romance novels, Women authors, womens literature, writing romance novels
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Thanksgiving Fully Present
There are three things I love about Thanksgiving: the future, the past, and the present.
I think as a child I probably loved Thanksgiving because of the future—it meant Christmas was coming soon! It was also a holiday I anticipated with great joy because it meant we’d go visit Grandma Dorothy. She married my step-grandfather late in life—but just in time for my sister and me to adore her. The house she shared with “Daddy Bob” was a classic New England cottage in Waterbury, Connecticut. Cape-Cod-Blue with white trim, it stood erect despite the steep street that seemed to slice under it.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Blogging, Books, Business, careers, Community, community and transformation, Connecting through blogs, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, familial history, family history and genealogy, Family values, Finding treasures of the heart in books, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Gratitude, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, heart of an artist, history, Integrating lifes purpose through art, involvement in issues near and dear to heart, joy, life's purpose, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, Personal Essays, physical and emotional process of creating art, Power of the universe, power of the universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, romantic novel storylines, self-growth, Small Town Fiction, sychronicity of life, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, author Mara Purl, children, children and stories, children dressing for Thanksgiving, classic New England cottages, Creativity, deep reflection, food in shelters, grandparents, Gratitude, gratitude lists, heart, imagine, inspiring day of the year, joy and thanksgiving, living being fully present, Mara Purl thanks readers, multi-culturalism, native hosts of Thanksgiving, relationships, serving others, sheer gratitude, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving of the past, three things about future past present, tradition and country, uniting heart and head, Waterbury Connecticut, What the Heart Knows, working hard,
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Mile High Tea
You’ve heard of “Pie in the Sky”—an idiom to convey that which is so unlikely that we shouldn’t count on it, a kind of fool’s gold, a dream only a Pollyanna would dare to dream.
Well, if Pie-In-The-Sky describes what can’t come true, perhaps “Mile High Tea” should be the new descriptor for what can. Why? Because anything Judith Briles touches actually does turn to gold. Judith was my hostess this past weekend for a gorgeous, elaborate and delightful tea at the lovely home where she and her husband, poet and editor John Maling, love to entertain.
So what do I mean by “gold”?… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Artists, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Authors and Publishers Services, Authors on Talk Shows, Baby Boomer women, Baby Boomers and Empty Nest Women, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Book Editing, Book Marketing, Books, Books for Baby Boomers, Business, Business Coaching for Artists, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Colorado, Community, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, E-Books, Editing manuscripts for good writing, Editors, energy, Escapism through romance novels, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, Finding treasures of the heart in books, flow of life, Gifts, Gratitude, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, heart of an artist, history, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, involvement in issues near and dear to heart, joy, Life in Baby Boomer years for Women, life's purpose, Logical Thinking, Love, Love of Books, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Motivation and inspiration for Baby Boomer careers, new methods of marketing books, Novel series, Novels for Romance Junkies, Nurturing the soul, Of Baby Boomer Women, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, physical and emotional process of creating art, Possibili-Teas in Colorado and New York, Power of the universe, power of the universe, power of the universe, Power of Universe, Presidents of publishing trade organizations, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, Science, self-growth, Skill sets, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, Soap Opera Fiction, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, synchronicity, Teas with author Mara Purl, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, What the Heart Knows by Mara Purl, When Hummers Dream by Mara Purl, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged adventures of Mitford Haven novels, author and speaker Judith Briles, author Mara Purl, author services at Author U, author services of Judith Briles, Author U, business partners, Fiction, fools gold, fulfilling callings in life, gifts of the heart, good books published well, heart, Judith Briles, Judith Briles and the power of the Word, Judith Briles inspiring others to publish, Mara Purl inspiring others to publish, Mile High Tea in Mile High City, Mile High Tea with Judith Briles and Mara Purl, Pie in the Sky, poel and editor John Maling, Pollyanna dreams, possibilities in publishing, publishing opportunities, science and art of Judith Briles, steeping tea with Mara Purl and Judith Briles, strategies and solutions by Judith Briles, Suze Orman, The Milford-Haven Books, the power of the word, women's fiction, women's fiction novels,
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When Women Gather
“Girls Night Out”—the phrase conjures images of everything from innocent fun to naughty pleasures. But the realities of what women do when they get together might be even more interesting.
Sometimes an evening with female colleagues is a rite of passage, a kind of test a woman can only pass by showing her authenticity. And sometimes a girlfriend-evening fulfills a basic need for time with those who share the same wiring.
Actually women have all kinds of ways of connecting. Sometimes the moments are brief—a quick lunch hour to catch up with a friend or get to know someone better. Other times it might be a special treat like afternoon tea—a chance to dress up and go someplace elegant, where the surroundings are inspiring enough to give us a fresh perspective.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Artists, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blogging, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Books, Books for Baby Boomers, Business, California, Cambria, careers, Community, community and transformation, Connecting through blogs, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, E-Books, energy, Family values, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, Finding treasures of the heart in books, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Gifts, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, inspiring through fiction novels, Intuition, involvement in issues near and dear to heart, joy, life's purpose, Logical Thinking, Love, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Motivation and inspiration for Baby Boomer careers, musician-singer-songwriter, new methods of marketing books, Novel series, Novels for Romance Junkies, Nurturing the soul, Of Baby Boomer Women, of lives through books, Personal Essays, Power of the universe, power of the universe, power of the universe, Power of Universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, Reading Guide for What the Heart Knows, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels for romance junkies, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, Science, self-growth, Skill sets, Small Town Fiction, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, synchronicity, Syncronicity between bloggers, Teas with author Mara Purl, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, What the Heart Knows by Mara Purl, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged adventures of Mara Purl, adventures of Milford Haven novels, authenticity in women, author Mara Purl, basic needs of women, California coastal town Cambria, Cambria California town Mara Purls fiction novels are based upon, connection and confirmation of women, connection with women, continuing traditions of womens clubs, creative fundraising ideas for women, Enchanted Forest in Mara Purls novels, Fiction, fictitous names of towns for novel settings, fulfill need for womens time out, fundraising of womens clubs, Girls Night out, heart, identifying societal needs of women, intuition, intuition smart, Lake Forest Women's Club, Main Street shopping with Mara Purl, Mara Purl and weekend in Cambria California, perspectives from the head, perspectives of the heart, possibility and syncronicity of women, scholarship funds from womens clubs, special connections with new women friends, special connections with women, subscribe to Mara Purl's newsletter, The Milford-Haven Books, women and acceptance, women and belonging, women and friendship, women as energy sources, women as life-long friends, women at slumber parties, women being understood, women marshaling resources to get things done, women sharing basic needs, women united by a cause, women's fiction, women's gifts, women's intuition, womens get togethers, womens life purpose and core missions, womens rites of passage, writing,
Discovering a New World
In our somewhat over-populated world (depending upon where we live), with centuries of human history behind us, it may seem that when it comes to the notion of discovering a new world, the ship sailed long ago. So if we want to experience something entirely new, get away to an undiscovered country and chart unknown waters, is our only option to pretend?
Since I write fiction, some might think I’d say yes. Yet there is both exterior and interior exploration, and my novel series explores both. On the external side—which we might also call a journey of the head—there’s plenty to engage the senses and challenge the mind.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Authors on Talk Shows, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Blogging, Book Marketing, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Books, Business, careers, Community, Connecting through blogs, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, energy, Escapism through romance novels, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, Finding treasures of the heart in books, flow of life, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, history, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Intuition, involvement in issues near and dear to heart, Journaling, joy, life's purpose, Love, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Motivation and inspiration for Baby Boomer careers, new methods of marketing books, Novel series, Novels for Romance Junkies, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, Power of the universe, power of the universe, power of the universe, Power of Universe, Publishing, Reading Guide for What the Heart Knows, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels for romance junkies, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, Science, self-growth, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, synchronicity, Syncronicity between bloggers, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged beautiful inspiring locations found in Mara Purl's fiction novels, beginning journeys through What the Heart Knows, blog tour, Columbus and intrepid crews arriving in new lands, cross-connecting journeys lead to extraordinary connections and syncronicities, discovering new worlds, discovery that is not familiar, emails flow due to Livestream launch of Mara Purls book What the Heart Knows, emotional and technology launches, exploring exteriors through fiction, exploring the interior through fiction, going heart good to hear from readers and listeners to Livestream Launch, heart soars when happy, human history, interior journeys through What the Heart Knows, internal journeys through books, intuition delves into interior journeys, journeys of head and heart, limits of imagination, literal, Livestream Launch, maps and non-fiction travel guides by Mara Purl, Mara Purl fiction novels explores the mind and senses, marketing teams, native people, new experiences, new horizons, new technology through Livestream Launch, novel series by Mara Purl expolores new worlds, recognizing new lands, root causes of issues, sense of renewal through getting away on vacation, small town fiction of Mara Purl, small town fiction takes journeys through the heart, Small Town Guide of Californias Central Coast, studios providing Livestream launch, trips to California Central coast for renewal of spirit, undiscovered countries and charting unknown waters, unfolding world of Milford Haven novels published by Bellekeep Books, virtual world and Livestream, What the Heart Knows on Livestream Launch
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Blog Tour Visit #22: Original Impulse
A sip of rich, dark java from a Mellor press while sitting at a tiny table in a café overlooking the Seine. That sounds like a perfect ritual in the life of an artist. I certainly found it to be so when I spent a month in Paris performing at the renowned Theatre Chatelet a few years ago. Cities like Paris, Kyoto and Santa Fe, filled to overflowing with artistic expression, inspire with virtually every sight, sound, taste and aroma to indulge our creative impulses. California’s Central Coast happens to inspire me and I spend lots of time there writing What the Heart Knows and all my Milford-Haven Novels.… Read more
Posted in Art and Entertainment, Artists, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Authors and Publishers Services, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Books, Business, California, Cambria, careers, Cities with Artistic Expression, Connecting through blogs, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, e-books by Mara Purl, energy, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, heart of an artist, ideas for books, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, Japan, joy, Kyoto, life's purpose, Love of Books, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Motivation and inspiration for Baby Boomer careers, new methods of marketing books, Nurturing the soul, Opening up to New Worlds, Original Impulse, Paris, physical and emotional process of creating art, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, Santa Fe, Science, self-growth, Skill sets, Small Presses, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, synchronicity, Syncronicity between bloggers, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, womens literature, writing romance novels
Tagged author Mara Purl, California coast, California's Central coast, Cambria California, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Chasing Silvia Beach, cities with artistic expression Kyoto, coach for writers and artists, Create Your Writers Life, creative impulses, creativity coach Cynthia Morris, creativity within, Fiction, fictional towns in Milford Haven, flow of creativity, growth as writer and storyteller through blogging, head and heart, heart, impulse to create, journeys to locations for art flow, life long practice of creativity, mara purl newsletter, Narrative writing, original impulse, originality in creating, relationships, ritual in life of an artist, Santa Fe and Paris, settings and location in ficiton, sharing visions through blogging, ten keys to creativity, The Milford-Haven Books, Theatre Chatelet, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, womens fiction, writing,
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