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Prequel Novella
#1 Artist AdventureNovella
#2 Artist AdventureNovella
#3 Artist AdventureNovel One of the Pentalogy
Novel Two of the Pentalogy
Novel Three of the Pentalogy
Novel Four of the Pentalogy
Holiday Novelette
Holiday Novelette
Holiday Novelette
Tag Archives: travel
Meet my Guest Author Roger Seiler
In today’s post, I’m hosting author Roger Seiler on one of the stops along his Blog Tour. I’ve been the guest of some marvelous Blog Hosts during my own previous tours, and was delighted to be host to such an accomplished person as Roger Seiler. Enjoy!
Roger Seiler’s new book is the perfect read for anyone interested in history, particularly about the storied expanse of lands and archipelagos connecting the northernmost regions of Russia and Alaska that stretch like a taught sinew between and across time and cultures.
Eons earlier, we read, Native Peoples traversed these land-water bridges to travel southward, branching into groups that became the Tribes of North America.… Read more
Posted in Alaska, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, Authors, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Blogging, Central Coast, Coastal regions, Connecting through blogs, Connecting through books, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, Environment, Mara Purl, Men's fiction, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Santa Barbara, Syncronicity between bloggers, Travel, Uncategorized, When Otters Play by Mara Purl, Women's Fiction
Tagged Alaska, Milford Haven, Sea otters, travel
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Cousins Reunion
I came away with the impression that most of the greats and grands of the family were quite heroic in their way, surviving the Great Depression, serving in the Great War, and coming home to tend their farms and care for their families.
Posted in about issues of the heart, Authors, Bellekeep Books, familial history, Family, family history and genealogy, Family values, Finding treasures of the heart in books, head and heart connection, Heart and head connection in books, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Live Your Best Life, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Novel series, Nurturing the soul, self-growth, Small Town Fiction, Travel
Tagged cousins, family history and genealogy, road trips, travel
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