Author Archives: Mara Purl

Blog Tour Visit #3: Romance Junkies

What fun to be featured today as a guest of Though they chose a tongue-in-cheek name, their elegant site reveals a multitude of cross-connected authors and readers actively engaged in every aspect of Romance Fiction.

Founded in 2003 by Kat Brown, the site now has 60 reviewers, scores of author links, ten categories, and 2,500 loyal followers who communicate with one another on a regular basis through forums, and 1 million hits per month.

A key part of the site is the Romance Junkies Blog, where I’m the featured guest today,, as are my new books When Hummers Dream (free e-book this month) and What the Heart Knows (hardcover next month).… Read more

Posted in Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Books, Business, Creativity, Current Event, current events, e-books by Mara Purl, Escapism through romance novels, flow of life, head and heart connection, Heart, history, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Love, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, new methods of marketing books, Novels for Romance Junkies, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, plot and structure, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels for romance junkies, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, self-growth, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, Transformation, transformation through AHA moments, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women's Fiction, Writing, writing romance novels | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Blog Tour Visit #2: National Association of Baby Boomer Women

Today I have the distinct honor of being the featured guest at the National Association of Baby Boomer Women— Director Anne Holmes (“Boomer in Chief”, as she’s titled) asked me a series of intriguing questions as the second stop on my national blog tour. You can find it by clicking the pink “BLOG” button in the upper right, or by clicking on this link. I’ll also be featured in Anne’s monthly newsletter at

So what’s a Boomer woman? A woman born between 1946 and 1964. Why is this group of people so interesting? First of all, because we number 35 million.… Read more

Posted in Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, Authors on Talk Shows, Baby Boomer women, Baby Boomers, Baby Boomers and Empty Nest Women, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Books, Books for Baby Boomers, Business, careers, Creativity, Current Event, current events, economic recovery, Family values, flow of life, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Innovative marketing, Intuition, Life in Baby Boomer years for Women, life's purpose, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Motivation and inspiration for Baby Boomer careers, National Association of Baby Boomer Women, new methods of marketing books, Nurturing the soul, Of Baby Boomer Women, of lives through books, Personal Essays, Power of the universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, self-growth, Skill sets, synchronicity, Transformation, transformation through AHA moments, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, Women's Fiction, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Launching the Blog Tour Boat

For authors, a book tour comes with the territory when a new book is released. Authors often fly from city to city in an exhausting tour-de-force, appearing on local talk shows, speaking to reporters, signing their new book at bookstores, and maybe visiting a few book clubs along the way. Traditional tours like this aren’t done as often as they used to be, what with budget constraints and new methods of marketing. Still—unless we’re also speakers—we authors don’t get out much! So we won’t be denied our fun. I’m looking forward to the wonderful in-person tour stops I’ll be doing next fall.… Read more

Posted in Acting, Authors on Talk Shows, Bellekeep Books, Blog Tours, Books, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, history, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, Love of Books, Mara Purl, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, musician-singer-songwriter, new methods of marketing books, News reporting, Publishing, relationships, Romantic fiction, screenwriting and acting, Small Presses, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, Women's Fiction, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Love the Little Ones

Time with grandchildren is pure gold . . . and silver, platinum and diamonds.
Posted in AHA Moments, Books, California, Creativity, Family values, flow of life, Gratitude, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, Intuition, Journaling, joy, Love, Love of Books, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Music, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Personal Essays, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, seashells, self-growth, Transformation, transformation through AHA moments, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, Women's Fiction, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Love the Space Shuttle

Memoire of Shuttle Columbia's first landing in the Mojave.
Posted in Associated Press, Books, careers, Current Event, current events, history, Journaling, Journalism, Mara Purl, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, News reporting, Personal Essays, Power of Universe, Publishing, Science, Travel, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, Women's Fiction, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

History as Heart Stories

History---political, emotional, spiritual---is ultimately personal story. Tracing my own ancestors, I found an amazing connection to Milford-Haven!
Posted in American Revolution, Books, careers, Creativity, familial history, family history and genealogy, Family values, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, history, Intuition, Journaling, life's purpose, Louis L'amour, Mara Purl, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, Political history, Re-Build your Life, relationships, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Western Fiction, What the Heart Knows, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Love Coastal Flights

Seeing a coastline from the air suggests a metaphor of seeing the border between head and heart, logic and emotion.
Posted in air travel, Books, California, careers, Coastal regions, Connecting through books, Creativity, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, flow of life, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Journaling, Logical Thinking, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, Pat Methany, Personal Essays, Power of the universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romantic fiction, Small Town Fiction, Songwriters, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, Women's Fiction, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Father Love

Men who wear their hearts on their sleeves are stronger than they may appear.
Posted in Acting, Associated Press, Audio Drama, Books, careers, Connecting through books, Creativity, current events, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Japan, Journalism, Love, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Men wearing hearts on sleeves, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, musician-singer-songwriter, of lives through books, Personal Essays, Publishing, relationships, screenwriting and acting, self-growth, Small Town Fiction, Soap Opera Fiction, synchronicity, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, Women's Fiction, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Suitcase Whisperer

Lessons to a frequent traveler from her suitcase.
Posted in AHA Moments, Books, careers, Creativity, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, life's purpose, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Metaphors, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, musician-singer-songwriter, Novel series, Nurturing the soul, Opening up to New Worlds, Personal Essays, Power of the universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, self-growth, synchronicity, Transformation, transformation through AHA moments, Travel, Uncategorized, Women's Fiction, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment