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Category Archives: authors and entertainment world
Blog Tour Visit #15: Girlfriend Books
There’s nothing in the world like Girlfriends. I’m talking about Girlfriend with a capital “G”, the fond appellation that signifies the way one woman feels about another woman she trusts, respects, and loves.
Women’s Fiction, which is what I write, exists in the Girlfriend Zone. Why? Because it sparks conversations, reminds us of our escapades, engenders the kind of reflection that inspires growth and encourages self-esteem. So my new novel What the Heart Knows and my conviction that as I write my books I’m having a conversation with women friends, made me a perfect match for the wonderful blog.… Read more
Posted in Art and Entertainment, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Book Marketing, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Book Reviews, Books, Business, Collaboration with other writers, Connecting through blogs, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, flow of life,, Gratitude, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, history, ideas for books, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Intuition, joy, Love, Love of Books, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, new methods of marketing books, Novel series, of lives through books, physical and emotional process of creating art, Power of the universe, power of the universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, reading book choices bridge to publishers, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, Science, self-growth, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, Soap Opera Fiction, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, synchronicity, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream by Mara Purl, When Hummers Dream e-book, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, books we know you will love, changes of The Milford Haven Books, domestic goddesses on books you'll love, Fiction, financially savvy women on books you'll love, girlfriend get aways, girlfriend getaway destinations, girlfriend zone, Girlfriendbooks, girlfriends, girlfriends inspiring growth self reflection and encouraging self esteem, Maria Micollucci Girlfriendbooks, Maria Micolucci, Mother Teresa on judging people, Mother Theresa quote on judging people, relationships, shopping trips with gal pals, The Milford-Haven Books, transformative fiction, transforming lives through books, trust love and respect among girlfriends, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream e-book, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, women's fiction on books you'll love, writing,,
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Blog Tour Visit #14: A Latte and Some Words
Certain things just go together: spaghetti and tomato sauce; summer and cricket song; December and pine-scented candles. Lattes and words are like that. For we writer-types, one often leads to the other. That’s how it was this Sunday, being a guest on A Latte and Some Words.
I’ve been known to seek out cafes—during their off hours preferably—and create a mini-office, a bubble where time doesn’t pass at the usual pace, the rest of my to-do list is missing, and a space opens that I can fill with my creative surge. These days, I grab my netbook and head to the nearest Starbucks, where the latte is superb, the atmosphere designed for the likes of anyone needing a personal bubble in a public space all of which encourages the Muse to pull up a chair at my table.… Read more
Posted in Art and Entertainment, Artists, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Baby Boomers and Empty Nest Women, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Book Marketing, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Books, Business, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Colorado, Connecting through blogs, Connecting through books, Cover art for books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, Family values, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, heart of an artist, history, ideas for books, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Intuition, Journaling, Journalism, life's purpose, Love, Love of Books, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, new methods of marketing books, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, physical and emotional process of creating art, Power of the universe, power of the universe, power of the universe, Power of Universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels for romance junkies, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, Science, self-growth, Skill sets, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, Soap Opera Fiction, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, synchronicity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream e-book, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged A Latte and Some Words, author Mara Purl, cafes and writing, coffee fanatics, fiction writers networking, hope in the Bible, journalism, Julie Pollett author and blogger, leading characters journeys, listening to your heart, netbook, personal connections between authors and bloggers, raising boys, relationships, researching for fictional writing, spiritual paths in Christian writing, Starbucks, sychronicity, synchronicity, synergy between bloggers and fiction writing authors, The Milford-Haven Books, things that go together, transforming lives through books, USA Today, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, womens fiction, writing, writing and lattes,
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Blog Tour Visit #12: All Things Fulfilling
Fulfillment is bringing your gifts to the world.
Posted in Art and Entertainment, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Authors and Publishers Services, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Book Marketing, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Books, Business, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Connecting through books, Cover art for books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, heart of an artist, history, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, life's purpose, Love of Books, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, new methods of marketing books, Novel series, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Painting, physical and emotional process of creating art, Publishing, relationships, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, romantic novel storylines, Skill sets, Small Presses, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream e-book, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged Advance Reader Copies, Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, author Mara Purl, book and media fulfillment, bookstores fulfilling requested orders, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Cornerstone Fulfillment Service, Cornerstone Fulfillment Service bringing customers to the world and the world to customers, fulfilling orders of What the Heart Knows, fulfillment, fulfillment industry, marketing books and media, marketing independent publications, personal fulfillment, portrait of a consummate artist, Richard Schmid, shipping books, speaking the language of books, Sue Leonard, The Milford-Haven Books, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, writers fulfilling expectations of readers, writing,
Blog Tour Visit #13: Dad of Divas
My father—affectionately known as Pere, thanks to the French part of our heritage—is the happy dad of two daughters. And, with both of us being in the entertainment biz one way or another, one might even say he’s the father of two Divas, though both my sister and I try to keep our drama on the stage, rather than anywhere else.
When did Pere find out he was a dad of divas? Was it when, at age three, I insisted on performing a show each evening on the hearth? (I thought it was a stage.) Was it when I came home, at age twelve, with the lead in “Cinderella in Flower land?”… Read more
Posted in Acting, Art and Entertainment, Artists, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Book Marketing, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Books, Business, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, Family values, flow of life, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, history, inspiring through fiction novels, Intuition, life's purpose, Love, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Men wearing hearts on sleeves, Men's fiction, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, new methods of marketing books, Novel series, Novels for Romance Junkies, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, parenting girls, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, Science, self-growth, Small Presses, synchronicity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream by Mara Purl, When Hummers Dream e-book, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged author Mara Purl, authors and drama, books as gifts, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Chris Lewis Dad of Divas, community of men that are Dads of Divas, Dad of Divas Blog, dads of two daughters, drama on stage, Fiction, heart, life through the lens of a story, Mara Purl at Lincoln Center, Mara Purl on Dad of Divas, Narrative writing, reading to girls at birth, relationships, sense of wonder in stories, The Milford-Haven Books, the wonder of a good book, transformative fiction, transforming lives through books, transported to other worlds through books, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction,
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Blog Tour Visit #11: A Traveler’s Library
Imagine a magical portal, a room of polished wood and gleaming windows, each of which frames an exotic view: Florence to the right, Kyoto the left, Kenya over your shoulder, the northern lights arcing upward to the ceiling.
Such were the images conjured by the very name “A Traveler’s Library.” And the beautiful website doesn’t disappoint. There are plenty of websites for researching and booking trips. But this is a site to cause dreams, then help fulfill them.
Vera Marie Badertscher founded her beautiful website in January 2009. Why? “I love to read and I love to travel,” she explained.… Read more
Posted in Art and Entertainment, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Baby Boomer women, Baby Boomers, Baby Boomers and Empty Nest Women, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Book Marketing, Books, Business, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, Escapism through romance novels, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, flow of life, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart and head connection in books, history, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, new methods of marketing books, Nurturing the soul, Of Baby Boomer Women, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, self-growth, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, synchronicity, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream by Mara Purl, When Hummers Dream e-book, women and romance novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing
Tagged A Travelers Library, author Mara Purl, changes of The Milford Haven Books, e-book short story prequel When Hummers Dream, Fiction, fictional town Milford Haven on California's Central Coast, good reads, Kindle readers, Mara Purl and Vera Marie Baertscher on theater, Mara Purl on Kindle readers, Mark Twain on travel, Milford Haven, mind and spirit books, reading, short story prequel to What the Heart Knows, The Milford-Haven Books, traveling and reading, value differences in travel, Vera Marie Badertscher, virtual travel through books, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream, When Hummers Dream e-book by Mara Purl, When Hummers Dream on Kindle Readers, writing,
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Blog Tour Visit #10: Learn 2 Balance
We all need and want the good things in life: health, abundance, home, family, friends, career. Some of us have these things most of the time. Most of us have these things some of the time. The trick is to balance the whole thing.
Lori Hanson comes with a set of gleaming scales in her hands to help people find their balance. Her foundation is nutrition, which is where her sense of balance begins. But it now also extends to a more inclusive sense of all life’s complexities.
And this is where Lori and I connect. We met a few years ago while both of us were booth guests at Book Expo and she’s an irresistibly bright sunflower in full bloom.… Read more
Posted in Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Books, Books for Baby Boomers, Business, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, Family values, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, history, Intuition, Logical Thinking, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Motivation and inspiration for Baby Boomer careers, new methods of marketing books, Nurturing the soul, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, self-growth, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, Transformation, transformation through AHA moments, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream e-book, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing
Tagged author Mara Purl, balance, balancing good things in life, balancing life, balancing life complexities, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Fiction, good things in life home health family and friends, heart, heart and head connections, intuition, learn 2 balance, Lori Hanson author speaker and stress eating disorder coach, Lori Hanson nutrition where balance begins, Mara Purl and Lori Hanson at Book Expo, Mara Purl on heart and head connections, The Milford-Haven Books, transforming lives through books, women's fiction,
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Blog Tour Visit #9: Entertainment Examiner
A lot is offered these days in the way of entertainment: a plethora of films, television shows, podcasts and, of course, books. How are we to wade our way through the ocean of offerings to discover something really good?
Mike Parker answers this question on a daily basis for his 7 million followers as Entertainment Editor for Entertainment Examiner. I’m his blog guest today, so that means I made the cut. Whew! An honor! It turns out he liked When Hummers Dream. Timely, too, because we found out today my new e-book has just slipped into the best-seller ranks for Amazon free e-books.… Read more
Posted in Art and Entertainment, Artists, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Book Marketing, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Book Reviews, Books, Business, careers, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, E-Books, e-books by Mara Purl, entertainment, flow of life, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, heart of an artist, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, musician-singer-songwriter, new methods of marketing books, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, physical and emotional process of creating art, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, Reading Guide for What the Heart Knows, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, self-growth, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, Transformation, transformation through AHA moments, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream by Mara Purl, When Hummers Dream e-book, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, Amazon free e-book When Hummers Dream, Fiction, heart, heart vs head in books, heroic fantasy adventure by Mike Parker, higher purpose of art, Mara Purl author insights, Mara Purl blog tour on entertainment, Mara Purl on, Mara Purl on good art, Mike Parker, Narrative writing, NY Times Best selling free e-book When Hummers Dream, relationships, stories that inspire by Mara Purl, sycronicity in stories and books, The Milford-Haven Books, The Scavengers by Mike Parker, truth and beauty in Art, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream e-book by Mara Purl, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, writing,
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