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Tag Archives: mara purl newsletter
Fiction: Tricks or Treats?
Perhaps cracking the cover on an unknown book is something like opening the door to strange children on Halloween. “Trick or Treat” they cry. We consider it mostly an idle threat, because we know if we’ve opened the door at all, we’re going to deliver a treat, and therefore not expect to be tricked. And perhaps this is analogous to shelling out our twenty-five dollars for a hardcover book: we expect to receive a treat and we don’t expect to be tricked.
But what’s the point of fiction? Is it to trick the reader into thinking that the characters they’re reading about and the circumstances in which they find themselves are real?… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Books, Business, careers, Connecting through books, Creativity, Domestic Violence, Escapism through romance novels, Finding treasures of the heart in books, Gifts, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, history, ideas for books, inspiring through fiction novels, Intuition, Logical Thinking, Love, Love of Books, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Novels for Romance Junkies, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, physical and emotional process of creating art, plot and structure, Power of the universe, power of the universe, Power of Universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels for romance junkies, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, self-growth, Small Town Fiction, Soap Opera Fiction, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, What the Heart Knows by Mara Purl, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged author Mara Purl, books offering sugar coated versions of reality, changes of The Milford Haven Books, cracking covers on books. treats found in fiction, entertaining readers through fiction, Fiction, fiction that shows readers how novel life can be, fiction tricks readers into thnking characters are real, hardcover book by Mara Purl, intersecting plot lines in fiction stories, mara purl newsletter, novels that feed the soul, plot lines running across the universe, sense of possibility in novels, smart readers and stories, transformative fiction, tricks found in fiction stories, women's fiction, writing, writing tricks that keep readers coming back for more, writing tricks that pique readers interest,
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Changing Hands
Don’t you love discovering a phrase that has embedded puns and multiple meanings? Gayle Shanks and Bob Sommer must’ve had fun when they chose this phrase as the name of their now-famous bookstore. The store itself has never changed hands, and remains in the marvelously creative and capable hands of the original owners. I had the pleasure of meeting these great folks last year at the Women Writing the West conference when they sat at my table for dinner.
My signing at their store last week was one of the highlights of my recent Phoenix-area book tour. A joint event with one of my favorite authors Donis Casey, our evening was built around my ongoing theme, “Head and Heart.”… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Book Marketing, Books, Bookstores - Independent, Business, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Community, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, Finding treasures of the heart in books, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, history, Innovative marketing, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, involvement in issues near and dear to heart, Journaling, life's purpose, Love of Books, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Metaphors, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, new methods of marketing books, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, physical and emotional process of creating art, Power of the universe, power of the universe, Power of Universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, Soap Opera Fiction, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged adjusting and aligning to synchroniciities in life, Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, America West, author Donis Casey, authors enrolling audience in insights into books, Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Betty Hunter, booksellers at independent bookstores, bookstore in Arizona Changing Hands, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Changing Hands, Changing Hands Bookstore, Donis Casey, education scholarships for young women throughh PEO, Fiction, fiction at indie bookstores, Gayle Shanks and Bob Sommer, good feelings of the heart, Google-like encylopedic knowledge in booksellers, heart, heat and heart themes in books, independent bookstores, indiebound bookstores, intuition, local PEO chapters, major independent bookstores, Mara Purl at Changing Hands Bookstore, mara purl newsletter, original owners of Changing Hands Bookstore Gayle Shanks and Bob Sommer, personal stories of Mara Purl, Phoenix book tour of Mara Purl, phrases with embedded puns and multiple meanings, psychological implications of hiking the backcountry in Tibert, relationships, sychronicity, synchronicities of life, targeting interests psychologically, U.S. Air Club, unfolding world of The Milford Haven Novels, What the Heart Knows on wish lists of books, wish lists of books, Women Writing the West, women's fiction novels, writing, writing with head and heart,
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Synergy, Schedules, and Supporting Others
It was a spectacular California early October Autumn day on the Central Coast: blue sky painted with whisps of cloud, sparkling water tracing the carved coastline, and just enough of a bite in the air to break out a jacket. Actually, this was a dress-up day, so the jacket was a pale silk leopard print, the skirt was leather and the shoes were high heels. Why the fancy duds? Today was High Tea in Santa Barbara, something I’d been looking forward to, something we’d planned for months.
There was an interesting twist in this plotline, however. The charity we’d been working with supports families to prevent homelessness and welfare dependency, especially in a tough economy.… Read more
Posted in about issues of the heart, Art and Entertainment, Audio Drama, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Authors on Talk Shows, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Book Clubs, Books, Business, California, Coastal regions, Community, community and transformation, Connecting through blogs, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, current events, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence Solutions Tea, economic recovery, Escapism through romance novels, familial history, Family values, forgiveness, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, history, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, involvement in issues near and dear to heart, Journalism, Love, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Newsletters, Novels for Romance Junkies, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Opening up to New Worlds, Personal Essays, plot and structure, Power of Universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, Science, self-growth, Small Town Fiction, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, synchronicity, Transformation, Uncategorized, What the Heart Knows, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing
Tagged anger leading to death in domestic violence, assaults and suicides due to domestic violence, autumn on the central coast of California, breaking away from domestic violence, charities working in communities, charity supporting families to prevent homelessness and welfare dependency, desparate for jobs leads to abuse, domestic violence solutions, Domestic Violence Solutions Tea in February and Mara Purl, Erin Gray on board of National Coaition Against Domestic Violence, families drowning in debt, freedom and fresh starts in life, Haven House in Los Angeles, healing domestic violence, High Tea in Santa Barbara, insolvency due to economy, leading and following with your heart, light transform dark, Mara Purl and domestic violence charity teas, mara purl newsletter, Mara Purl on National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, negatives and prints from cameras, negatives in collective consciousness, non-profits for domestic violence, oldest shelter for battered women in the United States, opening cameras and exposing film, perpetrators producing scarey movies, public service awards for domestic violence awareness, Santa Barbara District Attorney as keynote speaker on abuse and violence, scope of infinite love, shame and fear of victims of domestic violence, shift in public awareness of domestic violence issues, shifting blame from victim to healing anger in domestic violence cases, speeches written by Erin Gray and Mara Purl to Congress on domestic violence, storylines in Mara Purls novels about domestic violence issues, supporting others and following heart, synergy and transformation of lives, tough financial times leading to abusive behavior, transforming a human heart through love, twist in plotline, Unity Shoppe, using heart as a guide, victims and perpetrators in domestic violence, what the heart knows by mara purl, Wisdom of what the heart knows
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Blog Tour Visit #22: Original Impulse
A sip of rich, dark java from a Mellor press while sitting at a tiny table in a café overlooking the Seine. That sounds like a perfect ritual in the life of an artist. I certainly found it to be so when I spent a month in Paris performing at the renowned Theatre Chatelet a few years ago. Cities like Paris, Kyoto and Santa Fe, filled to overflowing with artistic expression, inspire with virtually every sight, sound, taste and aroma to indulge our creative impulses. California’s Central Coast happens to inspire me and I spend lots of time there writing What the Heart Knows and all my Milford-Haven Novels.… Read more
Posted in Art and Entertainment, Artists, Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, authors and entertainment world, Authors and Publishers Services, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, book marketing using websites enewsletters and blogs, Books, Business, California, Cambria, careers, Cities with Artistic Expression, Connecting through blogs, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, e-books by Mara Purl, energy, Fictitious town of Milford-Haven, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, Heart, Heart and head connection in books, heart of an artist, ideas for books, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, Japan, joy, Kyoto, life's purpose, Love of Books, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Motivation and inspiration for Baby Boomer careers, new methods of marketing books, Nurturing the soul, Opening up to New Worlds, Original Impulse, Paris, physical and emotional process of creating art, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, Santa Fe, Science, self-growth, Skill sets, Small Presses, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, synchronicity, Syncronicity between bloggers, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, womens literature, writing romance novels
Tagged author Mara Purl, California coast, California's Central coast, Cambria California, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Chasing Silvia Beach, cities with artistic expression Kyoto, coach for writers and artists, Create Your Writers Life, creative impulses, creativity coach Cynthia Morris, creativity within, Fiction, fictional towns in Milford Haven, flow of creativity, growth as writer and storyteller through blogging, head and heart, heart, impulse to create, journeys to locations for art flow, life long practice of creativity, mara purl newsletter, Narrative writing, original impulse, originality in creating, relationships, ritual in life of an artist, Santa Fe and Paris, settings and location in ficiton, sharing visions through blogging, ten keys to creativity, The Milford-Haven Books, Theatre Chatelet, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, womens fiction, writing,
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Blog Tour Visit #5: Works in Progress
Perhaps invention and reinvention is a perpetual state of affairs for authors, We’re always working on something: outlining or polishing, restructuring or fine tuning. And not only do we do this with our projects. We tend to do with ourselves too.
Such is the intriguing mix of information on Works In Progress, a blog posted by Betty & Friends. Actually, the blog host is Betty Carlton, and it’s her generosity that caused her to create her world of Betty and Friends.
Betty spent a full career in the insurance business, then at the eleventh was laid off. But, rather than retire, she reinvented herself as an author.… Read more
Posted in Author Mara Purl on Blog Tour, Baby Boomers and Empty Nest Women, Bellekeep Books, Bellekeep Books by Mara Purl, Blog tour of author Mara Purl, Blog Tours, Books, Books for Baby Boomers, Business, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Connecting through books, Creativity, Current Event, E-Books, energy, Family values, flow of life, head and heart connection, head and heart connection, history, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Intuition, joy, Life in Baby Boomer years for Women, life's purpose, Mara Purl, Mara Purl, Mara Purl Romance novels, Mara Purl using new marketing methods for Books, Marketing, Milford Haven, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, new methods of marketing books, Novels for Romance Junkies, Of Baby Boomer Women, of lives through books, plot and structure, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Romance novel readers, Romance Novels by Mara Purl, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, self-growth, Skill sets, Small Presses, Small Town Fiction, Transformation, Uncategorized, Virtual Book Tours, Virtual Book Tours, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream by Mara Purl, When Hummers Dream e-book, women and romance novels, Women and Romance Novels, Women authors, Women's Fiction, womens literature, Writing, writing romance novels
Tagged author Mara Purl, Betty Carlton and friends, blog careers, books in progress, books in progress, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Days of Our Lives, energy, insurance to author careers, inventing and reinventing ourselves, Joy, Lisa Day, mara purl newsletter, Milford Haven Novels, non-traditional vs traditional romance publishers, novelist Mara Purl, outlining stories, Rebel Ink Press, restructuring and fine tuning writing projects, The Milford-Haven Books, The Stepbrothers, transformative fiction, What the Heart Knows, When Hummers Dream e-book by Mara Purl, women's fiction novels, works in progress,
June Gloom and Magical Moments
For those of us who live in California coastal regions, this time of year is known as June Gloom. While other parts of the country are enjoying the first blush of summer with its dreamy warmth and slower pace, we often awaken to a heavy marine layer that keeps the landscape wrapped in a blanket for the first few hours of the day.
It’s not nearly as “gloomy” as it sounds. After all, “sunny California” gets plenty of bright days. This may sound perverse—maybe it’s my Celtic roots—but I sometimes reach a point of finding the succession of unchangingly sunny days oppressive, and begin to long for rain.… Read more
Posted in Books, California, careers, Coastal regions, Creativity, flow of life, Heart, ideas for books, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Journaling, joy, life's purpose, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, Novel series, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Personal Essays, Power of the universe, power of the universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, Romantic fiction, self-growth, sychronicity of life, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Women's Fiction, Writing
Tagged Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, author Mara Purl, changes of The Milford Haven Books, creating openings through ideas, finding contemplation and inspiring ideas for books, ideas for books, mara purl newsletter, Narrative writing, novel series by Mara Purl, transformative fiction, transforming lives through books, true purpose in life, value of an hour, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction novels, writing, writing about authentic selves,