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The Milford-Haven Novels, Novellas & Novelettes have now won more than 75 book awards!
Prequel Novella
#1 Artist AdventureNovella
#2 Artist AdventureNovella
#3 Artist AdventureNovel One of the Pentalogy
Novel Two of the Pentalogy
Novel Three of the Pentalogy
Novel Four of the Pentalogy
Holiday Novelette
Holiday Novelette
Holiday Novelette
Author Archives: Mara Purl
If It’s Not One Thing It’s Your Mother
I could have chosen to believe I had a mean-spirited mother who’d rather hurt than help her daughter. Yet, when I scratched the surface of the complex relationship with my mother, I never failed to discover her heart of gold. Her only motive in saying anything critical was to help me, improve my life, remove an obstacle, deliver me to my best opportunities. Read more
Posted in Family, Family values, Gratitude, Head & Heart, Heart, Mara Purl, Mothers & Daughters, self-growth
Crowdfunding for books has moved from fad to trend
#Crowdfunding is an #author trend, not a fad!
Those who are serious about funding their book projects are making #crowdfunding no longer a fad, but a trend. That doesn’t mean it’s easy! A great way to get up to speed quickly on all the how-tos to fund your book project is to grab Judith Briles’s The CrowdFunding Guide for Authors & Writers: Get FREE Money to Finance Your Book today on Amazon.
Joel Friedlander says, “Judith Briles does it again, providing exactly the resource indie authors need to make their way through the crowdfunding jungle. From planning to platforms to real-world strategies, this is the go-to guide that I’ll be recommending.”… Read more
Posted in Authors, Publishing
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Ancestors in the Mountains
In my memories, honeysuckle twined itself densely through the framework along one wall of the wrap-around porch, sweetening the air. In the cool of the cellar, I reached high to grasp one of the scores of jars of applesauce my grandmother had made. My little legs pumped hard to make the rope swing go higher. I sat on my granddaddy’s lap and asked for the hundredth time to listen to his “tick-tock”—his gold pocket watch. The aroma of biscuits wafted out from the kitchen.
Posted in about issues of the heart, AHA Moments, Bellekeep Books, familial history, Family, family history and genealogy, head and heart connection, involvement in issues near and dear to heart, Live Your Best Life, Mara Purl, Nurturing the soul, self-growth, Travel
Tagged family history, family history and genealogy, tracing our roots, West Virginia
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A Year for Mom: Preparing for the Big Day

A Year for Mom: February Shock