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Tag Archives: Fiction
Suitcase Whisperer
Lessons to a frequent traveler from her suitcase.
Posted in AHA Moments, Books, careers, Creativity, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, life's purpose, Magical moments, Mara Purl, Metaphors, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, musician-singer-songwriter, Novel series, Nurturing the soul, Opening up to New Worlds, Personal Essays, Power of the universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, self-growth, synchronicity, Transformation, transformation through AHA moments, Travel, Uncategorized, Women's Fiction, Writing
Tagged Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, author Mara Purl, changes of The Milford Haven Books, dealing with frustration and entitlement, Fiction, lessons about travel, listening to heart opens up new worlds, listening to hearts whisper, Narrative writing, relationships, The Milford-Haven Books, transformative fiction, transforming lives through books, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, writing,
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Iconic Feminine and Masculine
As an author and storyteller, I like to think in archetypes. And nowhere are visual icons more evident than in New York City. I’ve come to think of these two most iconic of all buildings—the Empire State and the Chrysler—as the god and goddess of the architectural landscape.
This past week in the City everything did seem larger than life. Nothing is more full of dreams writ large than the Jacob Javits Center during Book Expo America. Posters are ten times their normal size, hung in the hangar-like structure as though being pulled by planes swooping low enough to be read.… Read more
Posted in Book Expo America, Books, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Current Event, current events, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, Journaling, Left and right side thinking, Mara Purl, Men's fiction, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, New York City and Manhattan, of lives through books, Personal Essays, Publishing, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, self-growth, Transformation, Travel, Uncategorized, Women's Fiction, Writing
Tagged Advance Reader Copies, Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, author Mara Purl, authors, Book Expo America, book festivals, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Empire State building and Chrysler Building, Fiction, left brain thinking, men's fiction, Narrative writing, networking about publishing and books, publishing stages, readers, right brain thinking, Starbucks, The Milford-Haven Books, the publishing world, transformative fiction, transforming lives through books, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, writing, writing related to right and left brain thinking,
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Manhattan Anticipation
New York City has become an icon in our culture, and around the globe. It sometimes seems to loom so large in our minds that the real thing couldn’t possibly measure up.
But the moment your plane angles in for a landing and you glimpse the island of Manhattan, you realize you were wrong, New York will always exceed your expectations.
This was my city for the first few years after college. Ten minutes after receiving my diploma, the truck carrying my few worldly possessions headed south from Bennington to The City. I couldn’t imagine moving anywhere else.
I bought used furniture and wheeled it up Third Avenue on a dolly.… Read more
Posted in Acting, Book Expo America, Books, careers, Collaboration with other writers, Connecting through books, Current Event, Journalism, Love of Books, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, musician-singer-songwriter, New York City and Manhattan, Personal Essays, Publishing, screenwriting and acting, The Financial Times of London, Travel, Uncategorized, Women's Fiction, Writing
Tagged Advance Reader Copies, Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, America's Publishing Industry, author Mara Purl, Bennington Vermont, Book Expo America, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Empire State Building, Fiction, Financial Times of London, Narrative writing, New York, newsletter of Milford-Haven Novels, The Milford-Haven Books, trade show for publishers, women's fiction, writing,
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Love the “Aha!”
I’ve been working on a list of favorite things: walks along the beach, walks in the mountains, walks through museums . . . okay, there’s a walking theme here, I get that.
But then I wondered what else do these favorite activities have in common? And it occurred to me it’s the moments where an insight flashes, as though someone suddenly turned on a light bulb.
When these moments occur, maybe I’ve have been puzzling over why a character in my current novel travels to a certain location. Or I might be intrigued by someone’s unexpected reaction to something I’ve written.… Read more
Posted in AHA Moments, Books, Connecting through books, Creativity, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, Logical Thinking, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Nurturing the soul, of lives through books, Personal Essays, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, self-growth, synchronicity, Transformation, transformation through AHA moments, Women's Fiction, Writing
Tagged Aha Moments, arriving at AHA moments, author Mara Purl, changes of The Milford Haven Books, favorite things, Fiction, listening to self, Narrative writing, spiritual visitations, The Milford-Haven Books, transforming lives through books, understanding, writing,
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Love of Books
My new book "What the Heart Knows" is about you, a woman who's getting around to doing the things that, in your heart of hearts, you've always wanted to do.
Posted in Book Reviews, Books, California, Connecting through books, Cover art for books, Current Event, Gratitude, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, Journalism, joy, L.A. Times, Love, Love of Books, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Newspaper articles, Opening up to New Worlds, Painting, Publishing, Romantic fiction, self-growth, Transformation, Uncategorized, Using watercolor images for book covers, Women's Fiction, Writing
Tagged Advance Reader Copies, Advance Reader Copies of What the Heart Knows, art, artist Mary Helsaple, author Mara Purl, authors and publishers, book cover art, book cover of What the Heart Knows, book covers, changes of The Milford Haven Books, connections through books, Fiction, Gratitude, L.A. Times, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, love of books, pre-publication editions of What the Heart Knows, The Milford-Haven Books, transformative fiction, University of Southern California, videographers Dianemarie and Doug Collins, videography, watercolor art for book covers, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction novels, writing,
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Eggs in One Basket
There’s only one day of the year when we’re allowed to put all our eggs in one basket: Easter. For those of us who indulge in Easter Egg Hunts, or perhaps plan them for younger members of the community, the object of the game is to race around the garden finding as many colorful eggs as possible and collect them in a festive basket.
The rest of the year, we’re admonished not to follow the practice of placing all our eggs—a metaphor for hopes, plans, or expectations—in one basket—a metaphor for person, object, or project.
There was a time I probably took that advice too much to heart.… Read more
Posted in Acting, Audio Drama, Books, careers, Colorado, Creativity, flow of life, Heart, Innovative marketing, Innovative marketing, inspiring through fiction novels, Integrating lifes purpose through art, Intuition, Journalism, Logical Thinking, Mara Purl, Marketing, Metaphors, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, mission and core purpose in life, musician-singer-songwriter, Nurturing the soul, Power of the universe, power of the universe, power of the universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Rolling Stone, Romantic fiction, romantic novel storylines, Science, screenwriting and acting, self-growth, Skill sets, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, Transformation, voice performance, Women's Fiction, Writing
Tagged acting, audio drama by Mara Purl, auditioning, author Mara Purl, changes of The Milford Haven Books, eggs in basket, entertainment business, Fiction, heart, intuition, journalism, logic, metaphors, mission and core purpose, musician-singer-songwriter Mara Purl, Rolling Stone, screenwriting and acting, Sea Marks, seminar leading with teaching, teacher-speaker-seminar leader Mara Purl, transformative fiction, Universe, voice performance, voice performance with producing, women's fiction, writer-actor-producer Mara Purl, writing,
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Go With the Flow
FLOW can be active, rather than passive, when we use it as a metaphor to see what's flowing in our lives, and what's not, because it's frozen, diverted, or swirling into energy-sucking funnels.
Posted in Books, California, Creativity, economic recovery, flow of life, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Heart, joy, Love, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, of lives through books, Power of the universe, power of the universe, power of the universe, Power of Universe, Publishing, Re-Build your Life, relationships, Science, self-growth, sychronicity of life, synchronicity, synchronicity, Transformation, Women's Fiction
Tagged author Mara Purl, author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Fiction, flow of life, have what you want, invisible power of universe, power of the universe, prosperity, purl synonyms for flow, rivers of thought, snow melt flow California mountains, sychronicity, The Milford-Haven Books, transformation, want what you have, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, writing,
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April No Foolin’
Fiction isn't about fooling readers. It's about telling truth at the deepest level, which is speaking from the heart.
Posted in Creativity, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, joy, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, of lives through books, Publishing, Romantic fiction, self-growth, Transformation, Uncategorized, Women's Fiction
Tagged April Fools, changes of The Milford Haven Books, Chaucers Canterbury Tales, Fiction, Tennyson, The Milford-Haven Books, transformative fiction, truth, truth in fiction, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, writing
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Radiation and Radiating
While we handle our fears about radiation, we can make sure we're thinking generously and creatively about to help, and know our hearts are radiating love.
Posted in Current Event, Heart, inspiring through fiction novels, Japan, joy, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, radiation, Science, self-growth, Women's Fiction
Tagged Advance Readers copies of What the Heart Knows, changes of The Milford Haven Books, compassion, Fiction, good will, inspiring novels, Japan, Joy, nuclear radiation, radiation, safety protocols of contaminated food, The Milford-Haven Books, What the Heart Knows, women's fiction, writing,
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Aftershocks and Seismic Creep
Seismic plates shift violently when there's resistance in the faultline. But in one area of the San Andreas, there's no resistance at all, and thus no earthquakes. Can we examine our hearts to see what we're resisting?
Posted in California, Current Event, Denver Post, earthquakes and tsunamis, Faultlines, Heart, Japan, L.A. Times, Mara Purl, Milford-Haven Novels & Stories, Newspaper articles, Re-Build your Life, San Luis Obispo Tribune, Science, seismic research, talc and minerals, tectonic plates, Transformation, Uncategorized, Women's Fiction
Tagged aftershocks, aftershocks of earthquake, aftershocks of tsumani, alignments, California coast, Denver Post, Fiction, healing, Japan, L.A. Times, metaphor, metaphysical, mineralssan Andreas faultine, Monterey County, San Benito County, San Luis Obispo Tribune, seismic research, seismologists and geologists, talc, tectonic plates, The Milford-Haven Books, Tokyo earthquake, women's fiction, women's fiction novels, writing,
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