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The Milford-Haven Novels, Novellas & Novelettes have now won more than 75 book awards!
Prequel Novella
#1 Artist AdventureNovella
#2 Artist AdventureNovella
#3 Artist AdventureNovel One of the Pentalogy
Novel Two of the Pentalogy
Novel Three of the Pentalogy
Novel Four of the Pentalogy
Holiday Novelette
Holiday Novelette
Holiday Novelette
The Dolls’ Christmas
This year we have special visitors who seem to have taken over the den and the guest room. I wouldn't be surprised if they've been tiptoeing around while I'm not looking, arraying themselves throughout the house. This just might be the dolls' Christmas.
Posted in Books, familial history, Family, family history and genealogy, Family values, Gifts, Gratitude, Heart, Uncategorized
Tagged childhood, Christmas, dolls, family memories
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My Box of Dollies
I hope, when I get to doll heaven, these dolls will be waiting for me once again. They were, and always will be, among my most trusted and trustworthy companions.
Posted in Baby Boomers, familial history, Family, family history and genealogy, Gifts, Gratitude, Head & Heart, Heart, Japan, Mara Purl, womens literature
Tagged childhood, parenting
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The Sound of Her Voice
But as I rode wave after wave of emotion, carried along by her music, the film presented as a special gift.
Posted in Art and Entertainment, Artists, Doobie Brothers, Music
Tagged Linda Ronstadt, rock music, singers, The Sound of Her Voice
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